Popsicle Sales ALL week to benefit first grade field trips
September 10: School Governance Team Meeting & School Site Council Meeting, 4:15 pm
September 12: Pretzels and Pints Dining Out Fundraiser, 4:00-9:00 pm
September 19: Parent Workshop, Partners in Thriving with Dr. Wais, 3:45-4:45, auditorium
Fill Google Form if Interested and child care is needed.
September 25: 6th Grade Camp Parent/Student Orientation, 6:30 pm in MPR (see flier below)
October 1: Skate to Donate, 5:00-8:00 (see flier below)
October 16: El Comal Dining Out Fundraiser, 5:00-9:00
Not sure if we're your neighborhood school? You can find out through School Finder on San Diego Unified School District link here.
We are currently at capacity for UTK for the 2024-2025 School Year.
Golden Hill UTK-8's emphasis on social/emotional learning (SEL) and LOVE for all children helps students develop lifelong skills such as empathy, gratitude, compassion, positive communication, problem solving and resilience.
Our Dual Language Immersion Program focuses on the 3 pillars of Dual Language Education: bilingualism and biliteracy, grade-level academic achievement, and cross-cultural competency.
Our focus on Project-Based Learning (PBL) at the middle school level, keeps students engaged in relevant and meaningful work that is preparing them for present success, as well as future successes in college and career.
This is a beautiful school community where students, teachers, staff and families collaborate to meet the needs of ALL children, and decisions remain focused on what is BEST FOR KIDS.